End of RFC for UCD-list V1.2

Andrea Preite Martinez andrea.preitemartinez at iasf-roma.inaf.it
Thu Nov 9 07:51:40 PST 2006

Dear All,

The RFC period for the Proposed Recommendation
"The UCD controlled vocabulary" v.1.2 of  2006Oct06
ended last week (Nov 3).

In the 4-weeks RFC period we received 2 comments.
Please find responses to each of them on the twiki page:

http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UCDListRFC .

The 2 suggestions were accepted. The PR document has been changed  
accordingly (you can find it on the WG twiki page  
as UCDlist-PR20061107.pdf ).

I'll then follow the procedure to move the document to the status of  
IVOA Recommendation.


Andrea Preite Martinez                 andrea.preitemartinez at iasf-roma.inaf.it
IASF                                   Tel.IASF:+39.06.4993.4641
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100        Tel.CDS :+33.3.90242452
I-00133 Roma                           Cell.1  :+39.320.43.15.383
                                        Cell.2  :+39.

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