FW: VO session in Prague : call for papers

Robert Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Wed Mar 8 14:12:38 PST 2006

                  Call for Papers

"The Virtual Observatory in Action:  New Science, New Technology, and
Next Generation Facilities"

IAU General Assembly, Prague, Special Session 3
17-18 and 21-22 August 2006


The Scientific Organizing Committee of Special Session 3 encourages the
submission of contributed papers (oral and poster) describing new
research results and technical advances related to the Virtual Observatory.
Contributed papers will complement a program of invited presentations by
C. Cesarsky, I. Foster, G. Gilmore, F. Hill, A. Kembhavi, C. Kuijken, M.
Mountain, H. Okuda, P. Quinn, M. Rees, A. Szalay, and T. Tyson.  Topics
for this Special Session include

*  Cosmology and galactic structure with very large  databases
*  Rare object multi-wavelength searches: the  universe at 10 pc and z =
*  Serendipitous discoveries with the VO - the  Sun-Earth connection
*  Population analysis: stars, galaxies, quasars,  solar system bodies
*  Data mining with SDSS, WFCAM, VISTA, the  LSST, and other large
*  Data management for major facilities such as ALMA, ELT, GAIA, and SKA
*  Technical progress on the VO infrastructure
*  New VO-enabled applications
*  The semantic web and the future VO

Abstracts must be submitted through the IAU web site at
http://iau.conference-services.net/authorlogin.asp?conferenceID=609 and
are due by 26 June 2006.  We encourage contributors to submit their
abstracts as soon as possible, however, to allow adequate time for planning
the full agenda.
We also remind potential participants that the deadline for applying for
IAU travel grants is 9 April 2006, and the deadline for early registration
is 15 May 2006.

A conference web site with more information about the programme and so
on will be ready in due course.

               Andy Lawrence, Edinburgh, Chair of SOC
               on behalf of the Scientific Organising Committee

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