[Fwd: Moscow September 2006 Interop]: DEADLINE 18 Jun 2006

Nicholas A Walton naw at ast.cam.ac.uk
Sat Jun 17 03:14:09 PDT 2006

Dear All,

please see email below - please take a minute to pre-register if you are 
planning to attend the Sep 2006 IVOA interop - see


deadline is 18 Jun - but early next week will also be ok.

Yours, Nic Walton & Oleg Malkov

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Moscow September 2006 Interop
Date: 	Fri, 02 Jun 2006 21:00:58 +0400
From: 	Oleg Yu. Malkov <malkov at inasan.ru>
Reply-To: 	Oleg Yu. Malkov <malkov at inasan.ru>
To: 	ivoa at ivoa.net

Dear colleagues,

The next IVOA Interoperability Meeting will be held in Moscow, Russia,
on September 18 - 20, 2006. This will be followed by an IVOA Small
Project Meeting on September 21 - 22, 2006. The meeting is being
organized as a part of the activities of the Russian Virtual
Observatory project.

An online pre-registration form is now available on the meeting web

Anyone interested in attending the meeting is kindly requested to
submit the pre-registration form no later than June 18. This will 
allow the
organizers to make the appropriate arrangements for lodging, 
and visas.

Note: all visitors to Russia will require visas,
and participants will need to receive from us a formal letter of 
Visa processing can take time. Without your pre-registration it may 
not be
possible to complete the visa application process in time.

Further information will be made available on the meeting web site
after the pre-registration is complete.

Please send any queries that you may have to malkov at inasan.ru

Oleg Malkov, Nicholas Walton
(On behalf of the Organizing Committee)

Dr N. A. Walton                  
(AstroGrid Project Scientist	       http://www.astrogrid.org)   
(Euro-VO VOTC Project Scientist	       http://www.euro-vo.org)
Institute of Astronomy          Tel:   +44 1223 337503
University of Cambridge         Fax:   +44 1223 337523
Madingley Road                  WWW:   http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~naw
Cambridge, CB3 0HA              email: naw at ast.cam.ac.uk

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