New chair(s) for the VOQL WG

Masatoshi OHISHI masatoshi.ohishi at
Thu Jul 27 03:14:18 PDT 2006

Dear all VOers,

On behalf of the IVOA executive committee I am pleased to annouce that
we selected a new chairperson and a deputy chair for the VOQL WG.
This is because the former cochair, Maria Nieto-Santisteban, needs to
concentrate to finish her thesis. At the same time the exec decided to
introduce a new chairperson-ship system -- a combination of a chair
and a deputy chair to enable the WG management more robust.

The exec has assigned Pedro Osuna (ESAC) as the new chair and
Yuji Shirasaki (Japan) as a new deputy chair of the VOQL WG.
I would like to note that a chair and a deputy chair need to discuss to
manage a WG and that the deputy does not necessarily mean that
he/she automatically takes over the chair when the chair steps down.
When the chair steps down, the exec will discuss to assign a new chair
and a new deputy chair.

The exec would like to appreciate Maria's leadership in managing the
VOQL WG and in rewriting the ADQL/SkyNode working documents.
Her task was so hard becuase of the importance of the ADQL and the
SkyNode interface, and she really made great jobs !!

I would like to invite Maria to participate all the IVOA activities to delevep
a new research infrastructure for the astronomical communities.

Finally I would like to ask Pedro and Yuji to take the lead of the VOQL WG
from now on.

With best regards,
    Masatoshi Ohishi, chairman, IVOA

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