poll on IVOA mailing list configuration

Andrew Lawrence al at roe.ac.uk
Mon Jan 30 02:26:36 PST 2006

ignore my earlier dumb message - I have now discovered Bob's email and
realise one just sends an email to Bob .. sorry I thought this was some
kind of wiki-poll.


ps I fully realise I am sending this message to everybody and will send
my vote to Bob in a separate message !

*-----Original Message-----
*From: Robert Hanisch [mailto:hanisch at stsci.edu] 
*Sent: 28 January 2006 14:25
*To: interop at ivoa.net
*Subject: poll on IVOA mailing list configuration
*Dear Interop colleagues,
*  The IVOA e-mail lists are currently configured so that the "reply-to"
*address is the address of the list, not the address of the 
*person who sent
*the message.  This configuration helps maintain the continuity 
*of discussion
*threads and avoids duplication of messages, caused when people 
*respond to a
*message with "reply-all", which causes the response to go to 
*the original
*sender AND the list.  A further response with "reply-all" goes 
*to two more
*correspondents AND the list.  Etc.  Of course, someone 
*replying with this
*option can easily remove individual names from the response 
*and retain only
*the address of the list.
*  However, the current configuration also leads to the 
*possibility of people
*sending what they think are confidential replies to the sender 
*of a message,
*and finding that the replies are broadcast to the entire list.  This is
*because the usual expectation when one says "reply" in your 
*e-mail client is
*that you responding to the sender.  We know that a number of 
*people have
*made this mistake, resulting in unnecessary e-mail and, in 
*some instances,
*embarrassment when private messages became public.
*  The IVOA Exec would like your opinion regarding the 
*preferred behavior of
*the lists.  Please send an e-mail to Bob Hanisch 
*(hanisch at stsci.edu) -- NOT
*to the Interop list!!! -- containing one of the following responses:
*o  I prefer having the IVOA e-mail lists configured as they 
*are now, with
*the "reply-to" set to the entire list.
*o  I prefer having the IVOA e-mail lists configured so that a 
*reply goes
*only to the sender, and "reply-all" is required to respond to the list.
*  I will collect responses through Wednesday Feb 1, 5pm US 
*Eastern Standard
*Time.  I will count responses only and keep your votes 
*confidential.  The
*results will be discussed by the Exec and the Interop list 
*subscribers will
*be notified of the results and the plan for changing the 
*configuration, if
*  DO NOT simply "reply" to this message unless you want your 
*response to be
*read by the entire Interop distribution list!  Reply to 
*hanisch at stsci.edu.
*Bob Hanisch

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