poll on IVOA mailing list configuration

Robert Hanisch hanisch at stsci.edu
Sat Jan 28 06:25:10 PST 2006

Dear Interop colleagues,

  The IVOA e-mail lists are currently configured so that the "reply-to"
address is the address of the list, not the address of the person who sent
the message.  This configuration helps maintain the continuity of discussion
threads and avoids duplication of messages, caused when people respond to a
message with "reply-all", which causes the response to go to the original
sender AND the list.  A further response with "reply-all" goes to two more
correspondents AND the list.  Etc.  Of course, someone replying with this
option can easily remove individual names from the response and retain only
the address of the list.

  However, the current configuration also leads to the possibility of people
sending what they think are confidential replies to the sender of a message,
and finding that the replies are broadcast to the entire list.  This is
because the usual expectation when one says "reply" in your e-mail client is
that you responding to the sender.  We know that a number of people have
made this mistake, resulting in unnecessary e-mail and, in some instances,
embarrassment when private messages became public.

  The IVOA Exec would like your opinion regarding the preferred behavior of
the lists.  Please send an e-mail to Bob Hanisch (hanisch at stsci.edu) -- NOT
to the Interop list!!! -- containing one of the following responses:

o  I prefer having the IVOA e-mail lists configured as they are now, with
the "reply-to" set to the entire list.


o  I prefer having the IVOA e-mail lists configured so that a reply goes
only to the sender, and "reply-all" is required to respond to the list.

  I will collect responses through Wednesday Feb 1, 5pm US Eastern Standard
Time.  I will count responses only and keep your votes confidential.  The
results will be discussed by the Exec and the Interop list subscribers will
be notified of the results and the plan for changing the configuration, if

  DO NOT simply "reply" to this message unless you want your response to be
read by the entire Interop distribution list!  Reply to hanisch at stsci.edu.

Bob Hanisch

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