Aladin release 3.5 announcement

Rudi Albrecht ralbrech at
Fri Jan 27 00:59:53 PST 2006

Dear Jerome,

With all due respect for French as an important language: please refrain 
from posting messages to interop at in languages other than English.

Only in astronomy, and possibly in computer science, are we lucky enough 
to have converged on a single language for the exchange of information. 
This will be an important advantage for the future when we will do large 
scale mining of text data bases.

I know that the de facto standard of English constitutes an unfair 
advantage for the native English speakers. However, you will probably 
agree with me when I say that, as unfair as it might be, this is the 
only viable pragmatic solution, and puristic solutions like using 
Esperanto, or Latin, or Swahili, are unacceptable.

Simple extrapolation shows that the information flow in would 
come to a standstill if everybody posted in their native language. While 
we, with some effort, could probably cope with the central European 
languages, we would probably be totally lost with Russian, Chinese and 

I will be happy to receive private mail messages from you in French. On 
condition that I can answer in German.

Mit besten Grüßen,

Rudi Albrecht,

Jerome.Berthier at wrote:

>au fait, Skybot est enregistre dans le registre d'Astrogrid
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