Workshop: "Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual Observatory". ESAC, 21-23 March 2007

Matteo Guainazzi Matteo.Guainazzi at
Fri Dec 22 00:44:30 PST 2006

             Workshop: "Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual Observatory"
                    European Space Astronomy Centre of ESA (ESAC)
                    Villafranca del Castillo (Spain), 21-23 March 2007

     Web page:

 The Research and Scientific Support Department (RSSD) of the European Space
Agency (ESA) is organizing an international workshop at the European Space
Astronomy Center (ESAC) on "Astronomical Spectroscopy and Virtual 
The Workshop will be held in the framework of the EURO-VO Data Centre 
and Facility Center.

 The main goal of the workshop is to outline needs and challenges that
astronomical spectroscopy will be facing in the next coming years, and to
discuss how the unique capabilities intrinsic to the Virtual Observatory
concept can meet them. To achieve this goal, the workshop will bring 
experts in different branches of astronomical spectroscopy and 
scientists and
engineers active in the VO international endeavor.

 The Workshop will discuss the following topics:

    * Spectroscopic surveys: present and future needs, algorithms, 
tools, and
    * VO standards to access spectroscopic data
    * Spectral visualization and analysis tools in the VO context
    * Interface between spectroscopic data, laboratory databases, and
      theoretical models
    * Photometry in the VO: a common approach to spectroscopy?

 In order to ensure intense debate and a high level of interaction, a
substantial fraction of the Workshop will be dedicated to round-table
discussions focused on each of the above topics. A number of invited
and contributed presentations will help provide the Workshop 
participants with
the current scientific and technological context.

 The proceedings of the Workshop (presentations and summary of the round 
discussions) will be published by ESA.

 Important deadlines:

* First announcement: 15 December 2006
* Deadline for workshop registration and abstract submission: 31 January 
* Final program publication: 21 February 2007
* Workshop: 21-23 March 2007
* Deadline for proceedings contribution submission: 30 April 2006

 For more information, registration and abstract submission, please 
visit the
Workshop web page:
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