Aladin release 3.7 announcement

Pierre Fernique fernique at
Thu Aug 17 06:32:33 PDT 2006

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce Aladin release 3.7

It integrates the following new points:

- Multi-language support: presently english and french (see "User 
preferences" menu)
- Xmatch support for ellipses: useful to take into account errors on 
position or cross-match some extended sources
- Image mosaic: as an alternative to the blink feature ("assoc" button)
- Multiple FITS Extension support: images and/or FITS ASCII or binary tables
- Full VOTable support: inline base64 or href stream fits or binary
- Support for Character-Separated-Value catalogs: CSV -> Tab, pipe, 
semi-column, comma, one or several white spaces, S-Extractor output 
format) and not only Tab-Separated-Value catalogs (TSV) (See "User 
preferences" menu)
- status and set script command extension: shape, color, folder, view status
  - Stack folder local scope property: to avoid catalog projection 
outside the folder
- FITS RGB images: RGB images saved and loaded as FITS cubes
- Miscellaneous: RGB image FlipFlop function - RGBdiff script command - 
Information in "frame info" copy-and-pastable - Overlay tags use 
centroid algorithm - Stack width can be modified - "allcolumns" 
parameter for the "get VizieR()" script command

Pierre Fernique

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