end of RFC for UCD Controlled Vocabulary

Andrea Preite Martinez andrea.preitemartinez at rm.iasf.cnr.it
Tue Sep 27 03:03:13 PDT 2005

Dear All,

The RFC period for the Proposed Recommendation
"UCD1+ Controlled Vocabulary" v.1.02


ended last week (Sept. 21).

In the 4-weeks RFC period we received 23 comments.
Please find responses to each of them on the same twiki page:

http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/viewauth/IVOA/UCDwordsRFC .

The PR document will be changed accordingly. Then I'll formally ask the IVOA
Exec to vote on the request to move the document to the status of IVOA

(chairman of the UCD WG)
Andrea Preite Martinez                  andrea.preitemartinez at rm.iasf.cnr.it
Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale        Tel.:+39.06.4993.4641
Area di Ricerca di Tor Vergata          Fax.:+39.06.2066.0188
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100         Cell:+39.339.3817355
00133 Roma                              CDS :+33.3.90242473

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