
Andrea Preite Martinez andrea.preitemartinez at rm.iasf.cnr.it
Tue May 24 07:53:37 PDT 2005

Dear collegues,

according to the action taken during the Kyoto InterOp meeting,
as chair of the UCD-WG I ask you, if interested, to be a member of one
of the two UCD-Boards (or of both) that we are going to form.
According to the UCD main document (IVOA-PR) two boards should be

1. The Sci-Board
"  The board's mission is to maintain and improve the list of UCD-words...
...The responsibility of the board would consist of studying the cases
where a UCD word is proposed and to figure out whether the proposed word
should be accepted or rejected ...
...this scientific committee should be formed of astronomers with a broad
experience in different sub-disciplines as well as of data providers... "

2. The Tech-Board
"... we feel it necessary to have a proper technical board that
could decide on which tools are really necessary to make working
with UCDs feasible and as easy as possible for the user.
This board would be mainly in charge of writing proper requirements
for the tools. "

If you are interested, please answer to this e-mail within the 30 of May,
so that the Boards could be formed within May.
Your answer could be in this form:

Yes, I would like to be a member of the UCD Sci-Board
Yes, I would like to be a member of the UCD Tech-Board

The main task of the UCD Sci-Board will be to work rapidly in order to
have a stabilized list of words within June, then maintain this list
according to the mission outlined in the UCD main document (see above).

The Boards will work exchanging e-mails, through a mailing list maintained
by the chairs of the two Boards.
In this transition period, till the first e-meeting, I'll act as chair of
the Boards.

Best wishes,


Andrea Preite Martinez                  andrea at rm.iasf.cnr.it
Istituto di Astrofisica Spaziale        Tel.:+39.06.4993.4641
Area di Ricerca di Tor Vergata          Fax.:+39.06.2066.0188
Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100         Cell:+39.339.3817355
00133 Roma

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