Information on InterOp WS Kyoto

Masatoshi OHISHI masatoshi.ohishi at
Thu Apr 7 03:12:20 PDT 2005

Dear Participants to the Kyoto meeting,

Thank you very much for registering to the Kyoto meeting.
As of today 59 people have registered, and  I expect more to come.

I need to inform you two important items:

(1) Accommodation: as is written in the meeting web page, the LOC
has made "block" booking at the Hearton hotel Kyoto and the Mitsui Garden Hotel
Kyoto ONLY BETWEEN May 15 and May 21.
See at
or at
Those people who come to Kyoto earlier than May 15th, or stay after May 21st
need to contact to your hotel by yourselves if you can check-in earlier or
extend your stay. The contact addresses are shown in the URLs above.

A very famous festival (the Aoi festival) will be held in Kyoto on May 14th, and
you may find a difficulty to check-in earlier or to extend your stay.

In such cases I suggest you to book your hotel in a near-by city, e,g,, in 
Osaka is very close to Kyoto and it takes only 30 minutes by train. There 
is also
an advantage to stay in Osaka because there is the Universal Studios Japan
(USJ), Osaka Castle, and so on. The Himeji castle, one of the World heritage,
is about 40 minutes by train from Osaka.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact to me.

(2) Banquet: All participants to the meeting are invited to the banquet.
The cost (other than alcoholic beverage) is covered by the JSPS.
As the consequence  the banquet fee will be very inexpensive -- just to
cover Japanese sake, beer, and so on. I plan to collect only JPY 1,500 per

We hope to see you in Kyoto soon !!

   Masatoshi Ohishi

                 Masatoshi  OHISHI
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
2-21-1, Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8588 JAPAN
phone :+81-422-34-3575  (office)
        +81-90-3574-9474 (mobile)
fax   :+81-422-34-3840
e-mail:masatoshi.ohishi at

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