RunID - cross service tracking

Alasdair Allan aa at
Thu Sep 23 08:51:25 PDT 2004

Wil O'Mullane wrote:
> In a meeting we had yesterday to discuss logging Tim Kimball had an
> interesting idea. We should have a RunID associated with a particular
> service run. 

Surely this is contextual web services?

> So a portal creates a run id in the form servename:sequentialNum. This
> id should be passed to all services called such that it is logged for
> each service call. Any service calling another service should pass this
> number on. Hence if DataScope calls 300 services from one user request
> they should all have the same RunID. For a web Service the run id could
> be in the header i.e. no change to the interface. For the Simple GET
> services it can simply be appended as &RunID=server:990990 which will
> automatically put it in the log.

Yes, defiantely contextual web services, you should have a look at the 
WS-GAF stuff if you're interested in doing stuff like this...

This is more or less how eSTAR operates, I push a context ID around for
all my requests.

Dr. A. Allan, School of Physics, University of Exeter

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