FITS notice to VO members

William Pence William.D.Pence at
Thu Oct 14 14:54:40 PDT 2004

Notice regarding the FITSBITS mail list:

Members of the VO community may be interested in subscribing to the
FITSBITS email list as a convenient way to stay informed on current issues
within the FITS user community and to participate in debates on new FITS
proposals.  The FITSBITS email list provides a bi-directional gateway to the
sci.astro.fits newsgroup (the official discussion group for topics related
to the FITS data format) however it is actively moderated to filter out spam

To subscribe to FITSBITS, simply go to:
and fill in your name and email address.  The archive of all previous
postings to this list is also available from that web site.

Currently, this discussion group is fairly active. In particular, there are
several FITS proposals related to spectral coordinate systems and to
conventions used within FITS binary tables that are in their final 'Public
Comment Period' phase prior to being considered for approval into the
official FITS Standard format document.

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