VO vs VObs

Bertram Ludaescher ludaesch at sdsc.edu
Tue Jun 8 21:17:46 PDT 2004

I guess it's time to chime in now also: 

Just google with "VO" and see what is really out there ;-)

Hint: Number 2 is "Vatican Observatory" (not the one you think =B-)

Any guesses what is Number 1? 

there you go... maybe that settles it ;-)


>>>>> "ED" == Ewa Deelman <deelman at ISI.EDU> writes:
ED> Hi,
ED> I have to admit that even though I know what VO is in the astronomy context,
ED> it is hard sometimes to translate it into virtual observatory, when you are
ED> used to it meaning virtual organization.
ED> -Ewa
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Masatoshi OHISHI [mailto:masatoshi.ohishi at nao.ac.jp]
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 8:37 PM
>> To: Tony Linde; interop at ivoa.net
>> Subject: RE: VO vs VObs
>> Hi,
>> I agree with Tony:
>> At 22:12 04/06/08 +0100, Tony Linde wrote:
>> >
>> >Frankly, who cares?
>> In radiocommunication world, people use SNR. This doesn't mean
>> SuperNova Remnant. It means Signal-to-Noise Ratio. People don't
>> care about that two different communities happen to use the same
>> acronym.
>> When we use 'VO' in Grid community, we should give its definition
>> ar first appearance. Or when we talk we always say 'Virtual Observatory'.
>> If the visibility of the 'Virtual Observatory' get higher, then Grid
>> people
>> will easily understand the situation. What we need to do is to build, as
>> early
>> as possible, VOs that produce a lot of scientific results.
>> Cheers,
>> Masatoshi

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