VO vs VObs

Masatoshi OHISHI masatoshi.ohishi at nao.ac.jp
Tue Jun 8 20:36:55 PDT 2004


I agree with Tony:
At 22:12 04/06/08 +0100, Tony Linde wrote:
 >Frankly, who cares?

In radiocommunication world, people use SNR. This doesn't mean
SuperNova Remnant. It means Signal-to-Noise Ratio. People don't
care about that two different communities happen to use the same

When we use 'VO' in Grid community, we should give its definition
ar first appearance. Or when we talk we always say 'Virtual Observatory'.
If the visibility of the 'Virtual Observatory' get higher, then Grid people
will easily understand the situation. What we need to do is to build, as early
as possible, VOs that produce a lot of scientific results.



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