VO vs VObs

Tony Linde ael at star.le.ac.uk
Tue Jun 8 14:12:41 PDT 2004

Frankly, who cares? If what someone writes does not work for an audience,
feedback will tell them so and they'll change (as has happened with Guy and
his grid audience). We don't *have* to change anything we're doing now:
common usage, names of groups or software - none of it. If we use VO in this
community, everyone knows what we mean; ditto if some of us choose to use
VObs. If you write something for an external audience and they get confused
then you can change it in the future.

Wil asked 'Do we have one [acronym] we should use in our IVOA documents' and
the answer is NO - use whatever you think most meaningful but in this
community most people use VO.

Let's get on with building the damn thing and not worry about


> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-interop at eso.org [mailto:owner-interop at eso.org] On 
> Behalf Of Roy Williams
> Sent: 08 June 2004 20:53
> To: interop at ivoa.net
> Subject: Re: VO vs VObs
> (1) What about the new IVOBSA? Who will dare to pronounce its 
> name in public?
> (2) Which is worse, "meta.bullshit" or VO-BS?
> (3) To be honest, VObs makes me think of a sharp-edged 
> obstetrical instrument.
> Just some thoughts...
> Roy
> --------
> California Institute of Technology
> roy at caltech.edu
> 626 395 3670

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