external release of VOResource v0.10

Ray Plante rplante at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Fri Jul 16 15:49:59 PDT 2004

On behalf of the IVOA Registry Working Group, I'd like to announce the 
external release of VOResource v0.10, the family of XML schemas used to 
describe resources in a registry.  Information and discussion about the 
schemas can be found on the Twiki via:  


By "external release", I mean that you can now download these schemas via 
their namespace URI (e.g. http://www.ivoa.net/xml/VOResource/v0.10).  

Developers of registries and related applications are now encouraged to 
update their applications to use these latest schemas, particularly those 
targeted for the January 2005 demos.  

As a help to developers, Ramon Williamson and myself have created a pair
of XSL stylesheets that can convert records between v0.9 and v0.10 (in
either direction).  These are available from the above page.  While in
principle, the conversion is not lossless because some metadata have been
dropped and others added; however, we do not believe the dropped items
were used, so the conversion should be lossless in practice.

Your feedback on the schemas are encouraged, and can be posted to the 
registry mailing list (registry at ivoa.net) or the Twiki (on 
VOResourceV010Disc).  I also encourage you to share any VOResource related 
tools you might develop.  Look to the registry mailing list for 
announcements of new tools and documentation in the future. 

Ray Plante

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