XMM-Newton and ISO Data Access

posuna at iso.vilspa.esa.es posuna at iso.vilspa.esa.es
Wed Feb 25 08:01:40 PST 2004

Dear all,

please take note of the fact that after the AVO demo in Garching, and in
case you are using our services, you should use port number 8080 in both
accesses to XMM-Newton and ISO data. 

This means that the standard SIAP access for XMM-Newton and ISO and the
Spectrum Access for ISO should be accessed as in the following examples:

XMM-Newton image access (SIAP)

ISO image access (SIAP)

ISO spectrum access (modified SIAP)

(please note that these are just examples and you can make use of the
whole search capabilities of both systems. For more information you can
check the XMM-Newton and ISO Archive Interoperability documents at:



As there are several places making use of these services, we thought
we'd rather post it in the interop list.  

Best regards,
Pedro Osuna & Jesus Salgado


Pedro Osuna Alcalaya

Software Engineer
VILSPA Archive Development Team				
e-mail: Pedro.Osuna at esa.int
Tel + 34 91 8131314  				

European Space Agency
VILLAFRANCA Satellites Tracking Station
P.O. Box 50727 
E-28080 Villafranca del Castillo

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