EURO-VO Workshop in June 2005

Paolo Padovani Paolo.Padovani at
Fri Dec 17 07:22:26 PST 2004

Dear all,

this is to inform you that the EURO-VO project is organizing a workshop on VO 
technologies and standards at ESO in Garching the week of June 27 – July 1, 2005.

The workshop is explicitly designed for data centres and large projects to 
acquire the knowledge and experience necessary to allow them to become 
“publishers” in the VO. In tutorials and lectures, participants will be 
instructed in the use of VO analysis tools, libraries and the existing Web 
service infrastructure to build VO compliant services. Participants will be 
familiarized with new methods of data discovery, data access and data fusion.

Please visit the workshop page at,
where you can also find the registration form. Participation to the workshop 
will be limited to no more than 80 participants and applications are invited 
from data centre and large-scale project staff from Europe and 
internationally. Limited travel support will be available for participants.

The application deadline is March 1, 2005.

Apologies if some of you receive this email more than once!

Regards, Paolo Padovani
Paolo Padovani                    Phone:  +49-89-32006478
Head, VO Systems Department       Fax:    +49-89-32006480
European Southern Observatory     WWW:
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2         E-mail: Paolo.Padovani at
D-85748 Garching bei Munchen

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