Spectrum VO Web Services

Tamas Budavari budavari at pha.jhu.edu
Thu Oct 30 14:13:09 PST 2003

I'd like to draw your attention to some VO web services that publish close
to 500,000 spectra. The services we announced a few weeks ago at the ADASS
meeting in Strasbourg are relevant to more IVOA working groups, e.g. dal,
dm, votable, ws, hence the cross post. The project web site (also linked
from the VO page at JHU) is at


These services allow you to select spectra based on different search
criteria (conesearch, redshift range, object type, etc) and retrieve the
results in various formats (xml, votable, ascii).

The data structures are modelled mainly after the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
but the database also holds all the 2dF spectra without modification. The
xml schemas used in these soap services are available in the download
section at

For a brief introduction on how these services might be used, please have
a look at the VO Tutorial on the IVOA TWiki pages at


Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!

Cheers, T.

Tamas Budavari

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy       
The Johns Hopkins University         
3400 N. Charles Street 
Baltimore, MD 21218                    
Phone: +1 (410) 516-0643
Fax: +1 (410) 516-5096

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