tip for links in the Twiki

Ray Plante rplante at poplar.ncsa.uiuc.edu
Tue May 27 23:51:55 PDT 2003

Hi to all those who edit Twiki pages,

At the Cambridge meeting, several people noted that it was getting hard to 
find specific documents in the Twiki.  This is due to the fact that 
related bits are appearing in different pages with no links between them 
(e.g. the Meeting working group pages vs. the general working group 

I've started using the following pattern at the top of pages I regularly 
edit (e.g. http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/IVOARegWp03): 

  *Links:*  IvoaResReg :: [[http://www.ivoa.net/forum/registry/][registry 
  mail archive]] :: InterOpMay2003ResReg :: ResourceMetadata

  ---+ RegistryWorkingGroup
  ---+ Work Package 3 (Rwp03): Metadata Specifications


The important bit is the first line where I briefly provide links to 
related pages.  (Note that TwikiWords automatically get rendered as a 

I'll also point out that the bottom of all Twiki pages contains links to 
"Parent" pages; however, the parentage is not always what you might 
expect.  In any event, it won't necessarily get you to where to need to 


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