Interoperability Working Group

Francoise Genova genova at
Fri Feb 7 00:26:20 PST 2003

Dear colleagues,

two important informations about the Interoperability Working Group:

- the next meeting will take place in Cambridge (UK), May 13-14
Among topics to be discussed: registries, Simple Image Access Protocol,

- a mailing list has been settled at the International Virtual
Observatory Alliance site, for circulating information about
Interoperability WG meetings: interop at

Existing mailing lists, e.g. the VOTable one, have been transferred
to IVOA. You can have a look at the list of IVOA mailing lists,
and subscribe, from

The next messages about the interoperability meetings will be sent
through the interop at, so it is important that you subscribe
to the list if you wish to keep in touch.

Best regards,

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