xml tools -> Design tools with XSD (&UML) output

DIDELON Pierre pdidelon at cea.fr
Tue Dec 2 01:43:45 PST 2003

some tools to play with XML in Java have been suggested on the list sometime ago.
On an other side and to feed the previous tools with XML Schema (xsd files)
does anybody have a suggestion for a design tool generating XSD files?
and possibly UML diag as weel!
Will did you have any god idea like the Castor and JAXB previous ones?

Thanks to all for any response.

DIDELON                               e-mail : pdidelon_at_cea.fr
CEA SACLAY - Service d'Astrophysique  W3 : http://www-dapnia.cea.fr/Sap/
91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette Cedex            Phone : 33 (0)1 69 08 58 89

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