planning for Cambridge interop workshop

Robert Hanisch hanisch at
Wed Apr 23 10:10:56 PDT 2003

Sorry for the wide broadcast, but I would like to accomplish two things with this message.

1) If you are planning to attend the Cambridge (UK) workshop May 12-16 and have not yet registered, please do so ASAP.

2) Please let me know which of the interop work group sessions you are most interested in attending.  A tentative schedule for parallel sessions is attached, but I will try to adjust and optimize this based on the feedback I get from you all concerning which sessions are most important to you.

Return this message to me and give me your priorities for the following work groups:

__ Registry
__ Data Models
__ UCDs
__ VO Query Language
__ Data Access Layer
__ VOTable
__ Web Services

You may enter priority 1 twice if you wish express the opinion that two sessions should not be in parallel, but please note that some sessions will HAVE to run in parallel!

I would appreciate a response by the end of this week.

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