modified interop list; May 12-16 Interoperability Meeting

Markus Dolensky Markus.Dolensky at
Tue Apr 1 06:57:59 PST 2003

Dear All,

To simplify announcements concerning IVOA interoperability meetings we 
put everybody on the mailing list <interop at> who is either

- in one of the 6 IVOA WGs {dal,dm,registry,ucd,voql,votable}
- a member of the IVOA Exec
- already registered with the interop list

You may have received relevant majordomo notifications from the list server.

If you received this very message more than once it is most likely 
because you 've used several different email addresses or aliases to 
register to the various lists. Please reply to this message if you would 
like assistance in straightening this out and please indicate which 
email address is your preferred one.

In order to browse old messages please go here



Here's the first announcement.

From: Nicholas A Walton <naw at>

Dear All,

		** registration now open at **

please check and
related links for emerging details as to the upcoming InterOp meetings in

I provide details and links to hotels on the above page. I would advise
that you consider booking your accommodation as soon as possible.

Yours, Nic Walton

Dr N. A. Walton
(AstroGrid Project Scientist)   Tel:   +44 1223 337503
Institute of Astronomy          FAX:   +44 1223 337523
University of Cambridge         WWW:
Madingley Road                  WWW:
Cambridge, CB3 0HA              email: naw at

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