[Heig] Meeting notes & action from Tuesday, February 11 Obscore meeting

Janet Evans janet at cfa.harvard.edu
Wed Feb 19 16:29:51 CET 2025

Hi Folks,

Thank you for a good Obscore meeting on Feb 11.  Bruno and I were both happy with the attendance, engagement, and the path we all defined going forward.

The high-level notes are posted.  Please find them at the following link:  https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEIG_25Feb11

You are welcome to send feedback on anything you thought was significant and missed.  If I missed an attendee, please let me know that too.

We will send a poll to organize the next meeting of the HEIG group. The thought now is to give us a little time to start working some of the next steps and  actions from our last meeting.

Thank You,
-janet & bruno

Janet Evans
Chandra Data System Software Development Manager 
Chandra X-ray Center
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Office: (617) 495 7160 | Cell: (617) 688 6084
60 Garden Street | MS 81 | Cambridge, MA 02138

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