[Heig] HEIG Interop Plenary planning & notes from Aug30 mtg

KOSACK Karl karl.kosack at cea.fr
Fri Sep 6 16:21:15 CEST 2024

> On Sep 6, 2024, at 15:07, Mathieu Servillat via heig <heig at ivoa.net> wrote:
> Hi all,
> thanks Janet for the proposition, I see that you reached interesting conclusions at the CSP meeting yesterday, and that High Energy is accepted as one of the priorities :-). As we agreed, it will be a good exposition for the HE, particularly if it is supported by CSP, and the session should focus on scientific use cases and needs.
> My initial comment on the program is that there is a mention of "X-ray and Gamma-ray", and then "Very high energy", which is also gamma-ray. Or is it another aspect of gamma-ray?

Maybe would be better as:

- space telescopes : X-ray to GeV Gamma-rays 
- ground-based telescopes: >GeV Gamma-rays

Since that is really where the difference in use cases are. The latter would contain both IACTs (e.g. CTAO) and WCTs (e.g SWGO/HAWC/LHASSO). Although those also have quite different needs for the data model, so that could even be split further into "pointed instruments" (CTAO, HESS, etc) and "wide-field instruments" (SWGO/HAWC/etc).

> There is a topic on Gravitational Waves, but nothing on Neutrinos, though we identified more commonalities with Neutrinos observatories. Shouldn't we split this contribution in 2 shorter presentations?
> The questions to ask to the speakers make me think of what we asked for the workshops we organised 1 and 2 years ago. The first one was a per-instrument overview (https://indico.obspm.fr/event/1489/) and quite focused on event-lists and alerts. And the second asked for presentation of science use cases on high-energy data, in terms of data access and analysis for different experiments (https://indico.obspm.fr/event/1963/). It was more centered on a few observatories (Chandra, HESS, XMM). Anyway, it was quite interesting to highlight the specificities and need of the HE domain in the VO.
> Cheers,
> Mathieu
> Le 05/09/2024 à 23:04, Janet Evans via heig a écrit :
>> Dear HEIG Folks,
>> Some movement since our meeting last Friday on the Plenary session.
>> At the Aug30 HEIG meeting, Francesca suggested to work with the IVOA Committee for Science Priorities (CSP) on a plenary session combining High Energy and TDAMM.  We’re also coordinating with the Time Domain IG.  With this approach we have High Energy science talks covering the various wavebands and ask the speakers to answer a set of questions to cover topics of interest in the IVOA and HEIG group.  At the end of the session, we will plan a wrap-up talk by a HEIG member summarizing the overlap with IVOA, highlighting the HEIG Note we’ve been working on, and making our ‘ask’ to become an IVOA interest group. Does this sound good to folks??
>> Here is an outline we were thinking for the session:
>>     • 18+2 - X-ray and Gamma-ray
>>     • 18+2 - GW LVK and Einstein Telescopes
>>     • 18+2 - Very high energy
>>     • 18+2 - Alert Services
>>     • 10 minutes talk from HEIG representative asking for the IG status
>> We picked some people both in and out of the HEIG group as speakers. It is a good list but perhaps too early to share in an email group.  Ada and Francesca had good ideas and I provided HEIG names.  Here are the questions we put together to ask the speakers to address:
>>    o How does your project make their data discoverable?  Are data from your project in the IVOA registry?  Are there problems in the IVOA Obscore definition preventing or limiting it?
>>    o What data products are used in your data analysis and are they interoperable with data from other projects?  Do you use a data model?
>>    o What do you use for an alert system?  Do you use VOevent, and if not, can you address the issues you see?
>>    o How do you coordinate follow up observations currently?  Are the Observing plan of your project/mission available externally and is there coordination of your project/mission among the HE projects?   Are you familiar with the IVOA ObsLocTAP protocol and ObjObsSAP working draft of the IVOA?
>> Looking for feedback … especially if you have strong feeling against this plan.  I think personally it will be the session we need.  Given the 3 day meeting, combining with CSP & Time Domain IG who are willing to help is good too.  We’re looking to get invitations out next week so folks can plan their travel.
>> BTW, I wrote up the notes to out Aug 30 meeting.  Let me know if I missed you on the ‘attendee list’ , if the actions are accurate, and if there was something significant I missed in the discussion.  https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEIG_30Aug24
>> Our next meeting in Fri, Sep 27 @13 UTC.
>> Best regards,
>> -janet
>> ——————Janet Evans
>> Chandra Data System Software Development Manager
>> Chandra X-ray Center
>> Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
>> Office: (617) 495 7160 | Cell: (617) 688 6084
>> 60 Garden Street | MS 81 | Cambridge, MA 02138
> -- 
> Dr. Mathieu Servillat
> Laboratoire Univers et Théories, Bât 18, Bur. 222
> Observatoire de Paris, Site de Meudon
> 5 place Jules Janssen
> 92195 Meudon, France
> Tél. +33 1 45 07 78 62
> --
> -- 
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