[Heig] 31Jan24 Meeting Notes

Janet Evans janet at cfa.harvard.edu
Wed Jan 31 23:19:11 CET 2024

Dear HEIG Folks,

Thanks for a good meeting today.  I updated both the main HEIG page with Current Efforts (IVOA note and Obscore review) and added the notes for today’s meeting..

  **Main HEIG page: https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEGroup

  **Today’s Meeting page with notes:  https://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/HEIG_24Jan31

You should have ‘edit’ privileges to modify the notes if you see something wrong or missed -or- send me an email and I’ll fix it.

  **Please mark your calendars - Our next meeting is **Wed April 3 @14:30 UTC**.  I’ll send a reminder when we get close.  
     IVOA note feedback, Obscore use cases, and session planning will be topics drawn from this meeting along with Action review.

Thanks everyone!!

Janet Evans
Chandra Data System Software Development Manager 
Chandra X-ray Center
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian

Office: (617) 495 7160 | Cell: (617) 688 6084
60 Garden Street | MS 81 | Cambridge, MA 02138

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