[Heig] IVOA standards for High Energy Astrophysics - 28-29 June in Paris

Mathieu Servillat mathieu.servillat at obspm.fr
Thu Jul 20 17:56:13 CEST 2023

Dear all,

I send this message to the participants to the last VOHE workshop, and 
cc the HE discussion group at IVOA. Thanks to all the participant for 
their contributions!

I uploaded all the material, as well as previous meetings materials, on 
the workshop page:

The notes taken during the meeting are also available as a PDF:

We proposed to write the note collaboratively, this can be done on overleaf:

It would be nice to have a summary and a few link for each use case 
(data access and analysis for several HE observatories).

Best wishes,

Dr. Mathieu Servillat
Laboratoire Univers et Théories, Bât 18, Bur. 222
Observatoire de Paris, Site de Meudon
5 place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon, France
Tél. +33 1 45 07 78 62

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