Proposals for VOSpace (recursive metadata changes)

Dave Morris dave.morris at
Thu Jun 17 06:39:30 CEST 2021

Hi Sonia,
You raised several good suggestions in your email. To avoid confusion 
I'll reply to each one in a separate email thread.

On 2021-06-11 13:31, Zorba, Sonia wrote:
> 4. Add a mechanism to update certain metadata recursively on all child
> nodes. It is particularly useful for setting groupread and groupwrite
> properties.

This sounds like a useful extension that at least one other site has 
also implemented.

I agree with Pat, it probably makes sense to use UWS to implement this 
as an asynchronous operation.

If so, would it be a separate stand-alone UWS service, or do we define 
it as an optional service capability in the VOSpace specification?

Perhaps Pat or Brian could describe how their service makes this option 
available to clients ?

-- Dave

Dave Morris
Research Software Engineer
Wide Field Astronomy Unit
Institute for Astronomy
University of Edinburgh

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