Proposals for VOSpace (recursive metadata changes)

Brian Major major.brian at
Sat Jul 24 01:18:35 CEST 2021

Hi Sonia, Dave,

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 9:39 PM Dave Morris <dave.morris at>

> ...
> On 2021-06-11 13:31, Zorba, Sonia wrote:
> >
> > 4. Add a mechanism to update certain metadata recursively on all child
> > nodes. It is particularly useful for setting groupread and groupwrite
> > properties.
> >
> This sounds like a useful extension that at least one other site has
> also implemented.
> I agree with Pat, it probably makes sense to use UWS to implement this
> as an asynchronous operation.
> If so, would it be a separate stand-alone UWS service, or do we define
> it as an optional service capability in the VOSpace specification?
> Perhaps Pat or Brian could describe how their service makes this option
> available to clients ?

We added a sibling endpoint, 'nodeprops', for asynchronous UWS recursive
node property setting.  The UWS job info contains a Node object with
properties that are to be added, updated or deleted.  If a property doesn't
exist on any of the target and child nodes it is added.  If the property
exists it is updated with the provided value.  If a provided property is
'marked for deletion' it is removed from any nodes that contain it.

We have it advertised as a separate capability in the service.

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