Using @version to indicate the schema version

Paul Harrison paul.harrison at
Thu Aug 30 17:55:53 CEST 2018


I have had an initial edit of the Schema versioning note 1.1 into volute based on my previous email. (BTW - I am moving towards just sticking with “version" as the instance document attribute name - with a provision that if your schema already had a “version” in the top level elements that is used for something else - e.g. VODML then you use “stdVersion”)

There is another question on this topic that I am not sure if we should worry about or not, is again related to schema namespaces. In the past - e.g UWS the version attribute has been locally defined in the relevant top level element, which means that it can be referred to in the instance documents without a namespace (attributes are normally in the “unnamed” namespace)

It might be nicer in schema definition terms (i.e. only having to define the attribute once) - e.g. for VOSITables to do

<xsd:schema targetNamespace=""

       A schema for formatting table metadata as returned by a 
       tables resource, defined by the IVOA Support Interfaces 
       specification (VOSI). 

  <xsd:import namespace=""
              schemaLocation="./VODataService-v1.1.xsd" />

<xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:string" default="1.0">
       This is used to signal which major.minor version of the VOSI standard the response document follows.
       It is named version rather than the now recommended stdVersion for historical reasons.

    -  the root element for a VOSI tableset metadata
  <xsd:element name="tableset" >
         A description of the table metadata supported by the 
         service associated with a VOSI-enabled resource.
          <xsd:extension base="vs:TableSet">
             <xsd:attribute ref="vosi:version" use="optional"></xsd:attribute>

    -  single table root element for a VOSI table metadata
  <xsd:element name="table">
         A description of a single table supported by the
         service associated with a VOSI-enabled resource.
          <xsd:extension base="vs:Table">
             <xsd:attribute ref="vosi:version" use="optional"></xsd:attribute>

but then it would mean that the instance document would need to use the following namespace definitions 


In the end I guess that it does not matter which style is used as long as the xml is valid - I just worry that people often just "cut and paste” examples from the IVOA standards when deciding how to form their XML and consequently get it wrong…


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