Expressing service deprecation?

Brian Major major.brian at
Tue Jun 13 02:10:16 CEST 2017

Hi Registry, GWS,

I am wondering if a mechanism within registry exists that allows providers
to indicate that a particular service is deprecated.  And, if so, allows
for the recommendation of an alternate service.

I'm asking this question in the context of upgrading a service to a newer
version.  If a client could determine that it is not working with the
latest version of a service it could:
- try using the new version, or;
- recommend that the user obtain a newer version of the client.  (Presuming
the client and service are both updated with a new version.)

I think this is a different problem than the one that the note on XML
Schema versioning is trying to solve in that:
- A new version of a service is deployed alongside the previous version.
- There could be capabilities of the service that don't result in the
client receiving an XML document from the service and thus have the ability
to determine the version of the schema.

I thought I had once seen 'replacedBy' attribute somewhere but cannot find
it.  (Maybe I was thinking of the mirroring support).  If people think this
is a good idea, perhaps such an attribute belongs at the capability level?

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