New VOSpace 2.1 Working Draft

Brian Major major.brian at
Mon May 2 20:00:20 CEST 2016

Hi grid,

A new working draft of VOSpace 2.1 has been posted to IVOA documents:


Here are the list changes since the last working draft:

- Added REQUEST=redirect for further optimized pullFromVoSpace
- Commented-out search and find nodes until use cases and implementations
are presented
- Changed Transfer in XSD to accept parameters.
- Recreated and expanded all webservice operation examples
- Changed XSD element authType to SecurityMethod to match IVOA standard.
- Fixed text inconsistencies
- Clarified role of the node busy flag

(There are a couple of mistakes in section 6 "Changes since last version"
that I will fix.  The list should look like the one above.)

And, for the brave, here is a diff of the latex source since the last
working draft.  (most change marks are due to editing clean-up, so there's
a lot of noise):

Comments are most welcome.  Hopefully this will be the version to make its
way to a proposed recommendation.

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