Broken example in VOSI 1.0?

Mark Taylor M.B.Taylor at
Mon Aug 3 15:16:32 CEST 2015


there appears to be an error in Example 2 of Section 5 of VOSI 1.0

That example includes some column descriptions with dataTypes
like this:

   <dataType xsi:type="vod:TAP" size="30">adql:VARCHAR </dataType>

(where xmlns:vod="").

Looking at VODataService v1.1 section 3.5.3, I believe the xsi:type
here should be "vod:TAPType" and not "vod:TAP".

Does anybody disagree with that assessment?  Is this a known bug
in the VOSI document?  Should it be scheduled for an erratum?

This came up while I was helping a TAP service provider (JVO) to
debug their capabilities endpoint; they had used this example as
a template and it was causing errors.


Mark Taylor   Astronomical Programmer   Physics, Bristol University, UK
m.b.taylor at +44-117-9288776

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