VOSpace 2.1 and UWS 1.1

Brian Major majorb at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Sat May 10 10:59:49 PDT 2014

Hi everyone,

A version of the VOSpace 2.1 WD is now available here:


A summary of the changes, notes, and discussion items can still be found


Please feel free to edit that page to add questions or suggestions ahead of
the meeting next week.


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 1:35 AM, Andre Schaaff <
andre.schaaff at astro.unistra.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> (we send also this mail to the apps WG as people having implemented
> VOSpace / UWS libraries are concerned by the evolutions of theses
> standards, remarks and suggestions from people using applications in
> which VOSpace or UWS are implemented are also welcome, and in any case
> all comments are welcome !)
> Following the last interop in Hawaii we have a roadmap concerning
> VOSpace and UWS for the next one hosted by ESAC in May.
> Concerning VOSpace 2.1, Brian Major has started a discussion page here :
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpace21Spec
> Concerning UWS 1.1, Paul Harrison is maintaining the two following
> documents
> one concerning the suggestions which are summerized here :
> http://wiki.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/UWSEnhancement
> and a second one concerning the draft of the 1.1 release :
> https://volute.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/projects/grid/uws/doc/UWS.html
> this second document is not completely updated but Paul will update and
> clean it for the next interop
> Remark : VOSpace 2.1 and UWS 1.1 will integrate minor (to maintain the
> backward compatibility) changes but the discussion is open to all the
> needs and suggestions which are not in this scope to prepare the next
> major evolutions of these standards.
> So feel free to make any comment / suggestion or to start a discussion
> on a specific point.
> We will prepare and publish the new working drafts at least one week
> before Madrid.
> Regards,
> André Schaaff and Andreas Wicenec

Brian Major

Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Centre canadien de données astronomiques

National Research Council Canada
Conseil national de recherches Canada
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