Document versioning and XML Schema

Norman Gray norman at
Mon Jun 23 03:04:16 PDT 2014


On 2014 Jun 23, at 10:21, Markus Demleitner <msdemlei at> wrote:

> My impression is that most clients already try some sort of "best
> effort"-parsing (extracting what they think they understand,
> discarding what they don't, and freely interpolating otherwise).  

For what it's worth, I think this is a better (that is, more realistic, and more robust) approach than compulsively validating against an XSchema.

This is the general approach of Schematron[1], which is duck-typing for XML, without the heuristic vagueness which the term 'duck-typing' usually suggests.

> I think we'd have a much better VO if they didn't have to work
> *against* our standards and practices to do this -- and adopting a
> model where the semantics of this best effort are rigorously defined
> would also let us evolve certain aspects of our standards much more
> smoothly.

It is my firm belief that the IVOA's early adoption of XSchema contributed to a fixation on syntax, at the expense, sometimes, of the shared semantics that is surely the real goal of the IVOA.

All the best,


[1] See <>, with a compact overview at <>.

Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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