Notes from TAP Implementation

Marco Molinaro molinaro at
Mon Jul 7 14:09:25 PDT 2014

Dear all,
in Madrid we had a splinter session whose main goal was to discuss on the
TAP Implementation Note and its impact on the current and future
specifications for TAP, ADQL and UWS.
The idea was, instead of writing a TAP implementation note, to write
several strong or erratum notes, as the last f2f TCG meeting decided to
proceed now (see:
The work done at that splinter was summarized by Pat at the closing summary
for the DAL WG (
showing that most of the work for assessing a roadmap out of that Note is
still to be done.
Here is a call for those of you that are interested in finalizing this task
and to think how this can be performed (mailing list, teleconfs, f2f,
other...). Please show up, preferably replying on the list, and make your
Out of this starting discussion we may think of a smaller group to
investigate the Note and its implications to the specifications and to
report on the main list from time to time.
GWS mailing list participants are also involved since the Note itself shows
impacts on the UWS specification, besides TAP (as the implementation note
says) and ADQL.

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