VOSpace 2.1

Brian Major majorb at nrc-cnrc.gc.ca
Tue Jan 7 16:00:24 PST 2014

Hello GWS and Apps working groups,

This note is to start a discussion regarding the next version of the
VOSpace specification, version 2.1.  As discussed at Waikoloa, the goal is
to having a working draft in place for the next interop in May.

A TWiki page has been created with some initial content:

Comments and suggestions can be added directly to that page or be sent as
replies (to all) to this email thread.

Any suggestions that are not backwards compatible with version 2.0 are
welcome but will be reserved for version 3.0 of the spec.



Brian Major

Canadian Astronomy Data Centre
Centre canadien de données astronomiques

National Research Council Canada
Conseil national de recherches Canada
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