VOSpace 2.1 and UWS 1.1
Andre Schaaff
andre.schaaff at astro.unistra.fr
Tue Oct 1 00:36:07 PDT 2013
(we send also the mail to the Apps WG as applications should be concerned !)
Following the last interop we have now a roadmap for the next one hosted
by ESAC in May 2014.
We decided to start the revision of VOSpace and UWS.
If you have implemented these standards, if you are a user of VOSpace /
UWS libraries or if you are a user of tools involving them, send us all
your comments and which evolutions or changes you would have in the next
As VOSpace 2.1 and UWS 1.1 must be retro-compatible with the previous
versions we will take into account (for the discussion) the "compatible"
requests and postpone the others for the major releases (respectively
3.0 and 2.0).
We will then prepare the new working drafts which will be proposed in
May 2014.
André Schaaff and Andreas Wicenec
Grid and Web Services WG
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