Naples talks

Pierre Le Sidaner pierre.lesidaner at
Wed Apr 27 02:43:01 PDT 2011

Le 20/04/2011 20:56, Matthew Graham a écrit :
> Hi,
> We have two sessions planned at Naples: ostensibly one on VOSpace 2.0 and the other on UWS and authorisation. If you would like to present something please let me know.
> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew
We want to propose a join talk between CNES and VO Paris Data Centre
It should be a bit long (30mn) about implementation of UWS 1.0
The main topic will be :
return on experience and proposition of evolution after implementation.
     - we will present the implementation of 1.0 REST in 3 cases at 
     - we will present a separate implementation of client using these 
services and  the feature of SITOOLS (CNES development)
    - there is a lot of hole in the actual document that provider must 
face. We propose answer to undefined comportment. We will present the 
document for all this case, and propose a discussion about them.
     - we will also present the interest of using a standard JDL for 
client (WADL for us).

Jonathan Normand, Jean-Christophe Malapert, Pierre Le Sidaner

                            Pierre Le Sidaner
                         Observatoire de Paris

Division Informatique de l'Observatoire
Observatoire Virtuel 01 40 51 20 89
61, avenue de l'Observatoire 75014 Paris

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