StandardID for VOSpace Capability

Paul Harrison paul.harrison at
Tue Apr 14 04:35:07 PDT 2009

On 2009-04 -14, at 11:07, Guy Rixon wrote:

> Hi,
> looking through VOSpace-1.14, I can't see any mention of how a  
> VOSpace service is registered. In particular, the StandardID for a  
> VOSpace capability is not given (this is the capability of the  
> service written in the resource registry as opposed to the  
> capability of a node written within the space itself).
> I need to write code dealing with VOSpace registrations right away.  
> May I assume that the StandardID is ivo://,
> following the usual pattern?

In the original VOSpace usage note draft 
  it had been defined as ivo://net.ivoa/standard/VOSpace - however,  
that was some time ago now and your suggestion does follow the pattern  
of SIA etc. so I think your suggestion is fine.


Dr. Paul Harrison
JBCA, Manchester University

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