Photometric redshift service?

Gretchen Greene greene at
Sun Mar 16 04:46:03 PDT 2008


The good news is these services will soon be appearing in the release of the VOR1.0 NVO registry upgrade so there will be the direct search and retrieval linkage to these 'photometric redshift' Astrogrid services.  In fact it will be another useful and straightforward test to run.

With the upgrade to the VOResource 1.0,  the mechanicsm for supporting non core registry extension schemas changed.  We are in the testing phase of running harvests on Astrogrid into the registry to support the CEA resources.

Some of these services would have been retrievable from the NVO registry,  but in the process of changing to a new IVOA registry framework,  RofR + new schema implementations,  the original Astrogrid services were not supported and we were required to delete the references for registry curation.


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