Definitive version of the VOTable schema for web services

Matthew Graham mjg at
Tue Jul 29 18:04:25 PDT 2008


Yes, I know it has and it's normally this time of year that I make the  
same request. It would be nice if we could actually sort this out once  
and for all.



On Jul 29, 2008, at 6:02 PM, Alberto Conti wrote:

> I hope you will have more success that I had pointing this out.
> It has been this way since a long long time ago....
> -A
> On Jul 29, 2008, at 8:18 PM, Matthew Graham wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The VOTable schema that exists on the IVOA web site cannot just be  
>> imported into a WSDL document. There are several web services, e.g.  
>> Open SkyQuery, SkyNode, WESIX, which have produced their own  
>> version of the schema to work with WSDL - essentially all the  
>> complexTypes need to be named and globally defined instead of being  
>> anonymous under the elements. I was wondering whether the VOTable  
>> group could produce a sanctioned version of the VOTable 1.1 schema  
>> that will work with WSDL?
>> 	Cheers,
>> 	Matthew
> Dr Alberto Conti
> Community Missions Office
> Space Telescope Science Institute
> contact | tel: 410-338-4534 | aim: wscience

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