VOSpace 1.02 WSDL & Schema - Namespace Transposed?

Rick Wagner rwagner at physics.ucsd.edu
Wed Feb 6 14:29:52 PST 2008

Hi Matthew,

> The WSDL and schema can be obtained at:
> http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace10schema/VOSpaceContract- 
> v1.0.wsdl
> http://www.ivoa.net/internal/IVOA/VOSpace10schema/VOSpaceTypes- 
> v1.0.xsd

Ah, thank you.

> which are consistent with what appears in the spec. Note that  
> namespace URIs are not supposed to be resolvable but that it is a  
> convention that they can be. We will make sure that 1.1 has the  
> order defined more naturally: www.ivoa.net.

I understand the difference between the namespace URI and the  
location URI. As I said, I was being lazy, and hoping that something  
would appear in the browser. But, I do find having the namespace  
resolve to the desired document, like http://www.ivoa.net/xml/ 
VOResource/v1.0, to be very convenient.


> 	Cheers,
> 	Matthew
> On Feb 6, 2008, at 1:39 PM, Rick Wagner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking at the WSDL and message schemas in the 1.02 VOSpace  
>> Recommendation (2008 January 24, etc.). I was going to be lazy and  
>> try to pull down a copy, rather than cut and paste from the spec.  
>> However, when I did that without looking, I was trying to resolve  
>> "www.net.ivoa", which was difficult.
>> Here are the relevant attributes from the root element of each:
>> xmlns:vos.types.1.0="http://www.net.ivoa/xml/VOSpaceTypes v1.0"
>>    xmlns="http://www.net.ivoa/xml/VOSpaceContract v1.0"
>>    targetNamespace="http://www.net.ivoa/xml/VOSpaceContract v1.0"
>> Message Schema
>>    xmlns:vos.types.1.0="http://www.net.ivoa/xml/VOSpaceTypes v1.0"
>>    targetNamespace="http://www.net.ivoa/xml/VOSpaceTypes v1.0"
>> They also occur later in the schema definition.
>> I don't know if this is deliberate, or someone was channeling Java  
>> while typing.
>> --Rick
>> PS: If there is a URI for these, could someone please point me at  
>> it? Thanks.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> ----
>> Rick Wagner, Graduate Student Researcher
>> UCSD Physics
>> 9500 Gilman Drive
>> La Jolla, CA  92093-0424
>> Email:  rwagner at physics.ucsd.edu
>> WWW:    http://lca.ucsd.edu/projects/rpwagner
>> (858) 822-4784 Phone
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> ----
>> Measuring programming progress by lines of code is
>> like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.
>> --Bill Gates
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> ----

Rick Wagner, Graduate Student Researcher
UCSD Physics
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA  92093-0424
Email:  rwagner at physics.ucsd.edu
WWW:    http://lca.ucsd.edu/projects/rpwagner
(858) 822-4784 Phone
Measuring programming progress by lines of code is
like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.
--Bill Gates

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