Request to add some parameter types to CEA schema

Paul Harrison Paul.Harrison at
Thu Oct 11 07:58:27 PDT 2007

On 2007-10 -11, at 00:20, Guy Rixon wrote:

> If I were to choose, I would make the types URIs leading to registry
> resources, as is done for VOSpace. This would open the vocbulary  
> and save us
> some discussion time.

I have nothing against doing that, as it makes it easier to change in  
the future without issuing a new schema. However,  as we have learnt  
from VOSpace, a basic vocabulary does need to be defined along with  
the standard to enable interoperability - it is not sufficient to  
leave this completely open or implementers will not know how to use  
the most basic elements of the intended vocabulary.


Dr. Paul Harrison
JBCA, Manchester University

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