CEA and UWS-PA standardization

Paul Harrison Paul.Harrison at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Oct 11 01:59:33 PDT 2007

I have read the Note on the relationship between these Standards/ 
Implementations and I wanted to point out the  work that has already  
been done in moving CEA towards standardization - I will try to  
relate the content of these drafts to the content of the UWSCEANOTE   
IntroductionCEA_UWS-20071005.html  using the nomenclature of the note  
and to the latest UWS specification draft http://www.ivoa.net/ 
internal/IVOA/IvoaGridAndWebServices/UWS-0.3.pdf.   To be concrete  
lets look in terms of the current drafts that I published for Beijing  
to the IVOA wiki http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/ 
CommonExecutionArchitecture, which actually are links to my ESO home  

1. CEAApplication http://www.eso.org/~pharriso/ivoa/ 
This describes the schema that is the basis of both the registration  
of and the JDL for the UWS-PA. The document talks about CEA v1  
because this would be first version that was published under an IVOA  
controlled namespace, however in terms of [UWSCEANOTE] this is CEAv2  
and perhaps the document and schema should carry this numbering.

2. CEAInterface http://www.eso.org/~pharriso/ivoa/CEAInterface.html
This contains a first iteration at defining both changes to the CEC  
interface to add some concepts back from UWS as well as a first  
attempt at formally specifying UWS-PA in WSDL 2 with accompanying  

My remaining questions (not clear to me from reading [UWSCEANOTE]) are
1. is UWS still to have a SOAP profile - if so will this effectively  
be CEC1 - or CEC2 (which is an update on CEC1 to conform with the UWS  
pattern described in UWSDOC)?
2. is CEAv2 to be the only JDL for UWS-PA, or are others possible....


Dr. Paul Harrison
JBCA, Manchester University

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