UWS as a REST protocol

Doug Tody dtody at nrao.edu
Tue Mar 13 06:03:42 PDT 2007

Sorry, I didn't state this very well.  The vast majority of GETs on the web
are simple unparameterized file references.  Where the usage of GET
requires parameterization, the J2EE request parameter mechanism, most
commonly used with GET, is by far the most common representation used
for such calls (the point being, this should tell us something about
the Web, REST theology or not).   - Doug

On Mon, 12 Mar 2007, Doug Tody wrote:

> On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, Matthew Graham wrote:
>> Reworking Roy's example: 
>> http://blabla.edu?service=cutout&POS=301,22&recipe=bombayduck
>> The REST alternative is to send an HTTP GET request to the service endpoint 
>> of http://blabla.edu/cutout/301/22/bombayduck.
> One encounters this sort of example in theoretical discussions of REST,
> but in the real world of the Web, a GET has request parameters 99.99%
> of the time.  So long as the GET does not have side effects it probably
> qualifies as RESTful in the real world.
> 	- Doug

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