VOSpace discussion

Paul Harrison pharriso at eso.org
Thu Mar 17 01:44:20 PST 2005

Guy Rixon wrote:
> Two meetings were held on 2005-03-07 in which VOStore and VOSpace were
> discussed.  The minutes are at
>   http://www.ivoa.net/twiki/bin/view/IVOA/VOSpaceBrainstormMeeting
> These were not official IVOA meetings, but should inform the discussion on
> this list. The people protoyping VOStore were present.

I have been tasked with looking at the possibility of adding a VOStore 
interface to the NGAS archive system here at ESO 
(http://archive.eso.org/NGAST/). I hope to be able to provide some input 
on the issues involved in using the proposed VOSpace interface as a 
facade to this system in time for the interop.


Paul Harrison
ESO Garching

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